Upcoming Events
Cwtsh is a hub for the annual Art on the Hill event in November each year. We work in conjunction with the Organisers to display Artwork and hold Spoken Word and other Performances as part of the weekend Art On The Hill Festival
Cwtsh welcomes enquiries from Artists, Musicians and Performers who wish to take part in Art on the Hill. Refer to our Resources page to see what facilities we provide. Contact the relevant staff on our Staff Volunteer page to discuss your proposal and make arrangements’
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Cwtsh is a hub for the annual Art on the Hill event in November each year. We work in conjunction with the Organisers to display Artwork and hold Spoken Word and other Performances as part of the weekend Art On The Hill Festival
Cwtsh welcomes enquiries from Artists, Musicians and Performers who wish to take part in Art on the Hill. Refer to our Resources page to see what facilities we provide. Contact the relevant staff on our Staff Volunteer page to discuss your proposal and make arrangements’
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