Arts Centre, Handpost, Newport Tel: 01633 664498

Privacy Policy

This policy sets out how we seek to protect personal data and ensure that Cwtsh committee members and volunteers understand the rules governing they use of the personal data to which they have access.

We hold personal data that you have given us either by the signup sheet in Cwtsh or by subscribing through our website in order to send you newsletters to let you know what is happening at Cwtsh.

The personal data that we hold is only your name and email address. This data is held on an encrypted database by the Cwtsh communications secretary and is also held on MailChimp which we used to send newsletters and which has its own data protection and privacy policy.

If you want to know what personal data we hold in this respect or if you have any questions about our privacy policy please let us know by emailing or by ringing Cwtsh on 01633 614498.

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Privacy Policy

This policy sets out how we seek to protect personal data and ensure that Cwtsh committee members and volunteers understand the rules governing they use of the personal data to which they have access.

We hold personal data that you have given us either by the signup sheet in Cwtsh or by subscribing through our website in order to send you newsletters to let you know what is happening at Cwtsh.

The personal data that we hold is only your name and email address. This data is held on an encrypted database by the Cwtsh communications secretary and is also held on MailChimp which we used to send newsletters and which has its own data protection and privacy policy.

If you want to know what personal data we hold in this respect or if you have any questions about our privacy policy please let us know by emailing or by ringing Cwtsh on 01633 614498.

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