Creative Writing Poetry and Prose
Date: 4/03/25 10:00 to 13:00
First Tuesday of the month
10am – 1pm
4 workshops £80
One off workshops £25
The workshops will be looking at different forms of poetry, and prose writing. The workshops will enable you to develop new pieces of poetry and prose finding your own voice in this genre. New pieces of work will be shared with the group in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere.
The course is led by Claire Syder, an experienced Creative Writing tutor. Her work has appeared in many anthologies, and a collection of poetry ‘Time Cracks Open the Universe,’ has been published by Stonebridge. ‘Behind the Solid Stone Wall’ Abbey Books 2016. Contact
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Date: 4/03/25 10:00 to 13:00
First Tuesday of the month
10am – 1pm
4 workshops £80
One off workshops £25
The workshops will be looking at different forms of poetry, and prose writing. The workshops will enable you to develop new pieces of poetry and prose finding your own voice in this genre. New pieces of work will be shared with the group in an enjoyable and informal atmosphere.
The course is led by Claire Syder, an experienced Creative Writing tutor. Her work has appeared in many anthologies, and a collection of poetry ‘Time Cracks Open the Universe,’ has been published by Stonebridge. ‘Behind the Solid Stone Wall’ Abbey Books 2016. Contact
$contentList (string) =The Twmps through Two Seasons
Date: 14/02/25
Time: 13:00 - 16:00with photos by Arthur Turner and John Briggs
Reading Group
Date: 25/02/25
Time: 17:30 - 19:00A monthly reading group at the Cwtsh, Newport, led by local poet, Jonathan Edwards
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